The National Plan for Near-Zero Energy Buildings
The National Plan for Buildings with Near Zero Energy Consumption, adopted on December 23, 2015 Defines energy efficiency requirements for new buildings, which must meet minimum standards and contain highly efficient alternative energy systems, and those owned and occupied by public authorities must achieve near-zero energy status.
A number of directives and requirements set by the European Union show that builders, architects and designers should focus in the future on the construction of energy-efficient buildings that solve the problems of electricity storage in buildings, their production of green energy, and at the same time improve comfort and quality of life in them.
The quality combination of the latest innovative energy efficiency technologies and automation systems is the secret of success for creating a passive building with a plus energy status. The successful combination of innovative technologies allows the passive building to be independent of external energy suppliers and to generate more energy than it spends and consumes. This is made possible thanks to the basic principles of creating a plus-energy building.
Based on these basic principles, the projects find their balanced solution using numerous specific innovative systems to ensure energy efficiency, comfort, environmental friendliness and a healthy environment. Predominant southern glass thermal panels equipped with a sun protection system of external slatted blinds to protect the premises from overheating in the summer are also key and contribute to the insulating structure of the building and help to increase energy efficiency many times over.
The passive house project builds on the international passive building standard and provides an incredibly low consumption of energy from its own energy source. The energy required for heating, lighting, domestic purposes and cooling is about 15 times lower compared to the consumption of an analogous average residential building in Bulgaria in terms of volume and square footage.
This makes the project a categorical economically justified investment that ensures return on investment, energy independence and long-term use of self-produced energy. The additionally accumulated energy provided in the general energy system of the passive house becomes an additional source of income for the owner. The funds invested in such an energy plus project will be fully recovered in 10 to 20 years, depending on the consumption and production of energy. The standard warranty for PVT panels is from 10 to 25 years, guaranteeing a return on funds.
The passive house project aims both to achieve a plus energy status and to introduce new high-tech components to improve the efficiency of the system and increase the comfort of living. Passive house projects aim to change existing views and practices on energy efficiency in building construction. Among the main tasks of the projects are to maintain an acceptable final cost of the construction object at the time of its implementation and realization, as well as many times reduced in time operating costs compared to traditional construction.
Global warming is a problem that is tearing us all apart. We know that preventing unwanted climate change starts with each of us and local action is needed. Reducing the energy used in buildings is one of the most important factors contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Precisely for this reason, in recent years local authorities, governments and companies have taken the initiative to use highly efficient methods to reduce the cost of electricity, water and gas.
Energy-plus buildings provide not only an environmentally friendly lifestyle, increased comfort and energy independence. It becomes a very good investment, a sure source of additional income for your family and an environmentally friendly lifestyle.
We believe that protecting the environment depends on all of us and we have set ourselves the goal of building a better future for us, our families and future generations!
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